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Nip + Fab Dragons Blood Hyaluronic Shot Serum

Taran K

This is the beginning of beautiful skin ...

Dry skin is the downer on pretty much everyone's day, especially if you like to wear make-up; it isn't the best base to apply your daily make-up over. As someone who suffers from dry skin from time to time dependant on weather I decided I may need to try some hydrating serums, skin treatments, faces masks and all the other good stuff on the market. You name it, Taran has tried it!

After using many different hydrating products, some did not work for my skin and others worked partially. However, I came across Rodial's sister company Nip + Fab in my local Superdrug store and decided to invest in this beauty bargain!

I like to try new skincare products, and have had Nip + Fab on my wish list for a while so I thought now is the time to try it! I purchased the Dragons Blood Fix Hyaluronic Shot Serum for ONLY £12.45 ... Beauty bargain!

Product review

After using this serum as a treatment in the night before I sleep and as a quick hydration shot before I apply my make-up, the finish and feel of my skin has improved. Simply from using 2 drops in the palms of my hands and applying the serum to my face and neck in the night, the results for my skin were quite fast and there the next morning! My skin feels much more smoother, softer and most definitely hydrated! If you want a quick skin fix, especially if you have dry skin then give this beauty bargain a go! I mean for the low price point you cannot go wrong!


Taran x

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